Monday, October 12, 2015

Stagnant Energy- Flow Of Love Channeled Message from IZZY



What is this stagnant energy flow of love business?

Good question, Darling! Stagnant- "Showing no activity; dull and sluggish." Hehe, I thought i'd start with the definition so everyone is completely familiar with the word. "Stagnant" is the theme for this month, my dear NElise, as you are currently familiar with what this period looks like. :)
So today, I'm talking about the stagnant energy flow of love. As you can imagine, this is when love energy is showing no activity. It's dull. Sluggish. And for some, DEAD.
This is not just romantic love but love in general. ALLLLL aspects of the word "love." You may wonder how this happens? How love energy just shuts down and REFUSES to resurface in your life?
You may wonder what it looks like to be without love energy? Well my darlings, it shows up in unhappy, bitter, jaded, heartbroken and left for angry human beings. It may even show up subtly depending on how long stagnant energy has been occurring. 
We need to not focus on matters that make no difference, if you even THINK momentarily that love energy is fading or faded in your current life--If you are even asking could this be me? The answer is unequivocally, undeniably YES.
However, since I want to help you beautiful humans soon greatly, I will do this for you...

You may be suffering from SLE (stagnant love energy) of you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, hehe:

  • Reoccurring question about love ACTUALLY existing
  • Bitterness
  • Negativity
  • Peripheral haterism
HAHA, Wait, what!? What is Peripheral haterism, Izzy?

hehe, you like that? Yes, I made it up. 
Peripheral haterism: "The act of glaring at someone in a relationship from a side eye position, judging and or hating on why and how they look happy in the kind of relationship you don't have and wish you did."

LOL! WOW! Nicely done, Izzy.

Hehehe, thank you, Anyway... NEXT...

  • Jealousy
  • Sadness
  • Making untrue comments such as: "I'm done with love. I'm good all by myself, I don't need or want a relationship, I don't want them in my life anyway."
Lord, the list... the list goes on my beautiful HB's. (human beings)
OOOh! And another...
  • Worry
  • fear 
These are all examples of having or creating stagnant love energy. Now, what do we do about this is the REAL question.

  1. Admit- Admit your version of love had/has messed you up, broke you down, hurt your heart.
  2. THROW A FIT- Yes, do it! Express those emotions. Get 'em out! Re-live that moment with that person, persons, and lastly yourself. Your suppose to only live it once, but human beings don't. They numb it...try to disappear it in the WRONG way... only to relive it again in future relationships about 100,000 more times. So do yourself a favor, this the first time! ;) I say to lastly throw a fit with yourself because at the end of every heart break caused by whoever...there is YOU. Somehow blaming yourself unconsciously or maybe consciously for that fool decision you made to give your heart once again to someone who didn't know what to do with it. 
  3. NEXT... Blast some music! Your favorite song. Now, this is where I am completely and totally serious... Skip this step, don't complain about my advice not working. BLAST SOME MUSIC...not disturb the peace or the public loud, but shut out the world, I'm in my zone kind of loud. 
  4. Dance. If you have a mirror, look at it while you dance. Get lost. Look as foolish as you want. Dance until the greatest moment in your life is being created by you in that exact moment. Allow yourself to laugh and feel free.
Write down these specific questions and then answer them...The FIRST thought is the only one allowed.

  • What do I need to learn about Love?
  • What beliefs do I have currently that keep me from giving and receiving love unconditionally?
  • What is my love relationship like with myself?
  • What do I tell myself, internally, about love?
  • How can I improve the quality of love I give to myself?
  • What will I commit to ONCE A DAY that promotes loving myself and bringing love to someone else? Even if it's a stranger?
These questions and answers, my dear humans, will give you an inside look at your current relationship with love and perhaps the greatest reason love runs stagnant in your life.
By becoming aware and then committing to actively put positive love energy back into your life, FLOW will begin to naturally occur and bring FABULOUS changes into your life.
It only takes awareness and commitment to change something that is dying, not thriving. 
And when it comes to LOVE that is the most important flow that is vital to human survival.
Love energy is and should always be the primary focus with any and all human connections.
Love saves. Love heals. Love is the breath of life. Love is the heartbeat of humanity. 
Create Love. BE Love. And Love returns the favor.

Tata for now!
Bye Beautifuls!
Love, IZZY- The fairy love guide.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Blossom Where You're Planted

Hello My Lovelies! Izzy speaking. Coming to you about blossoming where you're Planted. Whether your planted temporarily, permanently (or so you think), long term... whether it was wanted, unwanted, wanted and became unwanted, blossom where you're planted.
Life doesn't stop--your life doesn't stop when you are in a season of being planted somewhere that does not seem ideal. It has a purpose. And my sugar dumplings, the purpose is not typically just for you, as a matter of fact, it is almost never just for you. Your life will become vibrant and lively when you give. Give back to more than the people you spend your everyday with. You want to sprout, grow, feel enriched in your everyday? You want to blossom and grow and make a difference in the world? Extend your light to someone or something outside of your everyday interactions. This is how you blossom where you're planted. This is how you become unstuck in the place you think you don't belong. If you're there, you belong, even if its for five minutes. Make the best of your 5 minutes. Be enriched and enrich others. In doing so, you blossom, you grow, you feel good, and you make unexpected friendships with those you otherwise would not have by sulking and being miserable. Everyday ask yourself, Did I enrich and enlighten someone unexpected? How did I feel doing that?Blossom where you're planted and in doing so, where you are going to will come faster than you could ever imagine.
 Toodles, Dolls.
love Izzy

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Casualties of being fabulous and Loving YOU!

Hello Darling, Nicole, and all of our readers. Izzy Speaking.
I am most excited about this experience here today as I have LOTS to say. Lots to say on the casualties of being fabulous and loving YOU!

Now you may be wondering, what in the world that means? Well, I am here to tell you.
Many times, when our beautiful human beings choose to live a life that is wonderful, fabulous, self aware, fully present, concious, and self expressed, you will encounter HATERS. You will encounter dreadful experiences from those who once Loved you. They Loved you until you started to Love Yourself More! When you start to smell the roses of your own wonderful being, those who do not rise with you, will fall away from you. And let's be clear, they do NOT fall easily, My Sweeties. They go down hard, and they go out with a bang. They try to make as much noise and as much commotion, giving you as much guilt as you can possibly take, and that they can give.

If you are not surrounded by like minded beings, they higher you try to fly, the harder those you used to "roll with" will  try to keep you at their level. Fight hard against the ankle weights of relationships that no longer serve you!

Do you know you were created to be fabulous? Prosperous? Abundant? RICH? In every sense of the word... Probably not, But if you don't know, now you know. If you did know, there is always MORE for you to learn. 

Spiritual growth,  LOVE of self, Love in every form, Fabulousness, Greatness, Wisdom...the whole sha bang.. It NEVER plateaus. Not until you are released of that human body and return to the spirit, will your growth and the measurment of how much you are capable of loving, creating, and being, will ever plateau. And when you finally return to the spirit.. You will still grow. We learn forever. 

But not to get distracted, Casualty.. I am talking about those you will lose...those who will be hurt... those who will want to keep you small, those who will try and devower your reputation, confidence, self esteem, and steal your dream because they can't stand that you are doing better than they are. 
Well, word to the wise, my beautiful God souls, You came here to stand apart from the crowd, in order to teach the crowd, if the crowd is anyway less than a reflection of who, what , where and when you are trying to create the BEST life EVER.

Being amazing, fabulous, self aware, confident, is NOT a crime. Only those who think you are full of yourself because they have not reached the peak of being full of themselves will have a problem with you. The moment they have something worth being full of themselves about, they will stop hating on you.

It is not their fault, it is simply the way life works. " Birds of a feather, flock together." There is a reason they have sayings like this... " Miserly loves company."... Sayings like this did not just FALL from the sky, My sweeties. They were created as a guide, a guide to show you from the CREATORS of those fabulous sayings experience... The experience of What happens when you try to fly higher than the crowd you were born into, adapted to, whatever. 

Do not allow Misery, small minded, cynical, bitter, No dream having, human beings to keep you from what you were natually designed to have and BE. FABULOUS. To LOVE the HELL out of yourself...literally... And to LOVE the HELL out of others... literally.

Human beings, especially today, carry Demons. Big Demons. Metaphrorically...AND Literally. The world is a terrible state, althought there is a great shift happening. We need concious, FABULOUS, Loving yourself so much that you can love the world because nothing keeps you from your ecstacy and pure light and joy kind of people. We NEED You! we need you to wake up, Be fabulous, love yourself, so you can PLEASE love all these sleeping, loveless, unaware that they are SO loved, people.

Don't get stuck being a casualty to your own life. Those you lose in the battle of Loving Yourself and changing your life is temporary. It does not have to be permanent! As you become fabulous and live the life of your dreams... ONE of Two things happen...
1) Those who wanted to keep you down will see that they couldn't, see that you made it, and be INFLUENCED by what you were able to accomplish... and then want to seek you out to assist in changing their lives because they can now see it IS really possible for someone who was "just like them."


2) They will be so blinded by pity and jealousy that they will still stay haters AND in that case, Pray for them, wish them goodness, and keep on with your merry, fabulous, loving self.

That is all for Now. Toodles, My fabulous human beings, and sweet loving souls!

BE Love. BE Beautiful.
Love, IZZY as channeled by my fabulous human, NELISE! xoxo

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Broken Relationships vs. Whole and Complete Relationships... Channeled from Izzy!

Izzy!! I have a question... I want to have clearer understanding about what unconditional love and relationships is suppose to look like. When you have two people who are self aware...have all the spiritual tools, whole...etc. Can two "broken" people be in successful relationship...? Do you get what I'm saying?...

Duh! Of course I understand what you are saying. I'm spirit. I know everything. well, almost everything... as much as God wants us to know about you humans, and yet...the "truths" I know everything about.  And because you are mine... heheh... well, My human, I know exactly what you are trying to say, even when you don't know how to clearly articulate what you are trying to say hehe.. I have an inside look to how that beautiful brain of yours turns...

Broken relationships vs. Whole and complete relationships...


LOL, silly girl.

Silly fairy.

Why Yes, I am. So... to be completely honest. Yes, you can have two "broken" people in a successful relationship. Yet, successful is relative. Success has different meanings to different people.

Yet what you speak of is when each individual is self loving. When you love yourself first, you are better in loving another.
Yet, the term "broken" truly means unhealed... which causes difficulties in relationships... when one or both people carry bagage from their pain...

This makes relationships more challenging and yet the difference in the Self Love vs Broken... is the ability to get through those challenges together. Seeing the big picture of why you are the way you are. A human being is never going to be completely "healed" Healing is like God says, a revolving door. You heal one area and another area comes to be healed. Self love gives you patience, understanding, compassion, and awareness for the "broken" areas. You embrace the "broken" areas.. when you do this you have the ability to love yourself as a whole... not making yourself wrong or someone else wrong for you becoming "broken".

You with me?


Good. So, when you have two people who are whole and complete.. it simply means these individuals have the ability to work through their pain and issues with a wider telescope. They see how and why they behave in a particular way and they don't degrade, beat up, or astrasize each other... they have patience, kindness, and unconditional love to work through challenges together. And when you have this type of a relationship, you don't see "problems" you see challenges needing to be overcome. You don't have the typical "Bad relationship" type problems... such as pointless fights with no solution... cheating because of low self esteem and attention seeking... no phsycial or mental abuse... etc.
 You have what is healthy disagreements... which typically end with some sort of compromise... there are no "deal breakers." Typically.

Now in a relationship that is not based on self love first... you have two "broken" people who are completely unaware that anything is wrong with them. So the blame game is real, lol. Fights with no solution. Seeing the others side and perspective to come up with an equal compromise is rare. Each person is filled with expactations of another. They have an idea of what a romantic partner is suppose to "fill" for them and when expecations are broken, the relationship takes a ugly, ugly turn.

So in all actuality.. it is better to have a "whole and complete" relationship... simply meaning... a foundation of Self Love. When you have a foundation of Self love... When you know who you are and what you want out of life, you attract only those that support that within you... you will not settle for someone who you have to school... teach... raise up like a baby... you will attract some equal or even greater than you.

When you are "broken" in the sense that you do not have unconditional self love first. You simply try to do the best you can for another... meanwhile trying to cerebrally work your way through your own garbage... or expecting someone to fill the void that was missing in your last unfortunate relationship.

So, with that... Spirit is a great encourager of SELF LOVE... FIRST! It is less painful... We want you to attract what you deserve... and anything less than total unconditional love for who you are... will only attract someone who treats you less than you truly are and know yourself to be. And you won't even be aware that you are getting the short end of the stick until you are sick and tired of being in pain... crying... "why do I keep choosing_____________" ... you fill in the blank.

You are perfect... everyone of you human beings are amazing and beautiful... so treat yourself like it!
xoxoxo Love ya! Izzy! check it out!

Bad relationships By Izzy, my fairy love guide.

Izzy Darling, it has been a long time. Well, a week really, but I am back.
Time to really get focused now that everything has been established in creating the website. Thank you and God for your assistance in the creation. What would you like to talk about today, we know you always have some lovely thing to say...

AHH, Darling, yes, hello! I alllways have something LOVE-ly to say. I want to talk about bad relationships today!
I chose this because it seems to be the theme in the atomosphere. Ugh, my poor humans. Although you are remarkable in your existance, that pesky mind of yours sometimes allows you humans to do and put up with the most ridiculous things. hehe. But we love you anyway. But as I am the LOVE guide, I am going to help you. And as We fairies have a bit more ego than the head honcho, God, yet we are all about Love and kindness and goodness... our ego is only good. We are brutally honest, extremely Real, and only want to help you.

So this is for my ladies...and men too, but women tend to love my advice more.. this is about BAD realationships...
Now in the world of God, as God sees both sides of the spectrum, things are just "what is"...God does not like many things and yet he understands why people do what they do, say what they say, and he is eternally forgiving and compassionate to all parties..
Us spiritual guides, we clearly see when things are just not right and although we "understand" as well, we help you humans to move ON...God does too, just using a different approach. My approach is to just be completely real in the way human beings can best understand what I am saying.

Bad Relationships... GET OUT OF THEM. Period. You know when things are good and you know when thing are bad... My darlings, move on. Treat yourself better. I have a great philosophy and that is... Love Me, until the end of time. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me.
Now that seems simple, I know. But for you cerebral humans, it is not. You want someone to Love You. Now Love ME. Means You... Love yourself. Until this comes into full affect, you will always be looking for someone to LOVE YOU in a way that you have never felt before. The search for love becomes a dreadful process...Love exists within you. It is not outside of really you are searching for something that needs no search. Just awareness and discovery.

When you are in a BAD relationship, you know its bad, you simply hope something will "change."  You stick around because in MOMENTS you see the person you fell in love with.
Well, the majority of the time you are seeing the person who was actively trying to get the prize. (You as the prize)
Get out. You are worth more than a bad relationship based on moments, history, or what he or she can do for you, that replaces the "bad" Money.. you know money and security is why many of my darling humans stay in bad relationships. Sweeping their ugly moments under the rug...

The problem my sweeties with this is that you clearly don't have self esteem. And for many in a relationship, this is the greatest, grandest problem in existance. Because women who stand for nothing will fall for everything... and the women who have smarts, yet little self esteem, will know their men are no good for them and play their men like a fiddle, meanwhile sweeping garbage under the rug, because of what "they get" by holding on to the relationship...heheh.  And yet this still takes detrimental chunks out of their natural light because we all know.. no amount of money or things should keep you in a pitiful relationship. Of course, what runs in the mind of my beautiful humans is fear. Fear that they will ruin their family, fear that they cant financial support themselves, fear that their comfortable life will become uncomfortable therefor forcing them to have to work harder, fear that they are too old, too unattractive... too afriad that a new relationship will be too much work.
Uhh the list goes ooon...

Listen My sweeties. Have self worth. Have self esteem. And do not allow that self esteem and self worth to be bought. It's not worth your light. Its not worth years of sweeping garbage under the rug on a hope and a prayer or a brand new purse. God doesnt want this for you and neither do I... And neither would anyone who loves YOU! Really Loves You!

God created you to be fabulous. Beautiful. Strong. A role model. Would you want your daughters to be treated by a man the way that you are treated by one?
Would you want your sons to be the man you are with?

If the answer is No... RUN. Go. Leave.
You will make it without that human being. Find a better human being. The game of life teaches you many lessons and the most repetitive one is human beings trying to find Love with no clue how to love yourself.

And Darlings, if you are one of those women in denial that says "I do love myself" Yet you are STILL in a bad relationship... or keeps Picking up Bad relationships... You don't..YET. No amount of selfies, or quotes stating " I'm waiting for the one who loves my brokeness. Take me as I am" is you loving yourself. It is a fascade of happiness that you are trying to convince yourself of My sweeties. We dont want the fascade ...we want it to be REAL. And the way the world knows its real.. the way YOU know its real, is when the pattern of men you choose, and the pattern of relationships you choose, no longer shows what pitiful, bad, selfish thing that man (hey or woman) did to you. Because what we all want to know is...WHY you keep going back to him then. Do you like Pain?
Wake it up, My sweeties.

The amount of love that God and Spirit has for you is immeasurable. We see your worth, we want you to move on. And LOVE YOU. LOVE YOU until you are sick of your own fabulousness, heheh.
Until you make other people sick of your fabulousness... not sad for your pitiful relationship. You don't need sympathy, you need a swift kick in that precious booty. Raise your vibration and attract what you deserve.

Love you, My beautifuls.

BE Love. Be Beautiful.
Love Izzy... channeled by that beautiful human, NElise. check it out!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Ex In Law Issues.. Channeled By God

Hi God, I need some assistance.
At first I wasn't sure If I should put this in my blog for people to see. Then I realized it may be important for people to understand that even I, a spiritual life coach, have very real issues with people, lol. And if it were not for my relationship and connection with You and spirit, I would be a tornado storm in my emotions.
So, you already know my issue.  I need to release the issue I am having with my grandmother and my ex mother in law. :) Mainly my ex mother in law who I can't help but feel has manipulated my family and uses my grandmothers visits with my kids to speak to them. She continues to go through a third party to talk to them as if I'm not their mother. And my grandma allows it. What really gets me is they seem to be conspiring together. I know my ex mother in law would say she can't reach the kids through me so she goes through my grandmother, but the problem is, she goes through my grandma before hand and I know it. Therefore I have no interest in in making the initiative... 

Hello My Daughter, please breathe. Releasing this negative feeling and emotion is exactly what you must do. It is not healthy for your body, mind, or spirit to harbor negativity due to someone else's actions. As I have told you many times, as you coach your clients, anytime someone does something against you, is negative towards you, or hurtful, it is reflective of their inner being. It is a reflection of a way of being they are used to functioning in based on how they were raised, or a way of being they have adopted because of their own hurts and pain.
Being negative back is never the proper response. When it comes up for you as a response, it is simply because it is triggering a sensitive area within you. 
This is the beauty about human beings. Until the end of time, until the end of your current human life, you will have areas of your life that will show you it needs attention and healing. There is no human being on the planet that even for a split second doesn't FEEL the affect of negativity. Those who are greatly evolved simply do not let negativity penetrate their heart. They energetically feel what someone is doing in negativity, even towards them, but they don't make it mean anything other than what is TRUTH. And the truth is, the person doing something that is manipulative, or hurtful towards another, is simply hurt within themselves.

In the case of your ex- mother in law, she is a very different case. As I am sure you already know on a soul level.
 I understand greatly your upset of feeling manipulated. However, it goes deeper than that. As do all things that cause you great upset. It is never the exact situation that causes a human being, or you in this case to react to pain, it is what you make it mean based on a conversation you have not healed, or confronted.

So, As I said. In your case your mother in law, in her heart believes she is doing nothing wrong. In her mind, her using your grandmother to speak to your kids is simply a matter of... She wants what she wants and she knows a way to get it regardless of what you think or feel. Manipulative? Maybe. AND YET, My daughter, she is well aware that she has limited relationship with you and what her heart needs due to her own hurt and pain is a relationship with those "grandbabies." And that overrides any upset that you may have.

This is where I require MORE of you, as a child of God, who is open to all my wisdom and understanding to CHOOSE compassion. To rise above what you think she is knowingly doing to you. Is it knowingly what she is doing to you? YES. Is she doing it to Spite and disrespect you? No.
And as you are aware of my words, wisdom, and direction in your life, I expect you to "BE Love. BE Beautiful." :)
This means doing the highest good of others and yourself. So bravo for coming for assistance. Bravo that you came to the greatest Spiritual Life Coach of all, Me! GOD. :) 
By doing what is in the best and highest good for the HEART of your ex mother in law, whose heart has also been broken due to her life's circumstances, allow her to speak to the children more.
By doing what is in the best interest for yourself based on how she treats you, don't get on the phone with her. 
Don't deal with her other than allowing her to speak to the children. 
For you to feel as if you are doing your part. Set Standards. Set your intention.

Is once a week reasonable? Is twice a week reasonable? Every other week reasonable?
Set what is reasonable and fair for her to be in communication with your kids.

It may not always be the easiest thing to do, My daughter, to BE Love to someone who is less than lovable in their human nature towards you, but these are the times that you must remember, it is not YOU, it is them. It is their hurt and pain that has caused them to become less than lovable. And it is their lack of understanding and their inauthentic relationship to their own SELF that has them act outside of who I created them to be. LOVE.
So be that for them. Be Love. But don't ever let someone get away with hurting you and not addressing it. This goes for all of my children. Separate yourself from those who harm you, hurt you, have no good intention for you, but do it out of respect for yourself, and compassion for them.
Because your CHILDREN are who she desires to be in relationship with, for the sake of her heart, let it go. :) Rise above the negativity and what you see as "wrong doing." Let her BE Love for your children. Let them BE Love for her. It may be the only source she feels she has. And BE Love for yourself by keeping her out of your personal space, energy, and aura. 

I hope this helped. I truly hope by My daughter, NElise sharing her experience, you can see how this principle works for the life of ALL my beautiful souls who have similar troubles.
No one is exempt from the FEELING of negativity, simply know what to do with it, and channel it as a way to grow and have compassion for others. After all, you have come to this physical world to be of service to each other by what you learn via your own personal experience.

Be well for now,
-GOD. :)

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Channeling Izzy on Authentic Truth.

Hi again, Izzy. What is it that you wish people to know about Authentic truth? We did the channeled video about this today but I have not posted it yet... Maybe tomorrow...

Hehe, maybe tomorrow! Yes and hello, my sweet NElise! I would love you to post that video tomorrow. I know this is all so new to you... putting your beautiful face out there for the world to see. But, this is what you have been created to do! This is why you are so excellent at it. And just like many human beings functioning in that beautiful, amazing, but limited human mind, FEAR can get in the way. Fear is natural. You are naturally designed to have some fear. The right kind of fear. 

 Fear stops you from stepping into oncoming traffic, so as everything, balance is necessary. Fear keeps you safe. AND YET! If you are unbalanced and allow it to ruuun your beautiful little life, LITTLE is what your life shall stay.
So we don't want that now do we? 
We would not want to stay small and limited now would we? Who would want that? That would be a dreadful life to live. This is why I love and have chosen to stay a fairy guide. I come and go as I please. I am free. And the human body is a wonderment but it is in FACT--Limiting.
I do not like that.
Human beings are SO special, the spirit that functions the human body is nothing less than AH-MAZING... That you can live in that body, in this time, in this world, experiencing humanity, the good and the ...mmmm, CHALLENGING! To put it nicely. Being Love, spreading Love, even to those that are not in tune with Spirit and act outside of their true nature and come off as Unlovable, and you still manage not to LOSE your true nature (well we hope...on most occassion, lol) dealing with the unpleasantness of SOME human beings Nature, is quite extraodinary.
So my humans, give yourself a hand for being able to survive the ups and downs of humanity and the emotional rollercoasters it comes with, lol.

Before I get too far off track, as I like to talk ALOT, Authentic Truth! YES. HAVE IT!

It is the most freeing way to live as a human being. BE truthful to who you are, what you want, and your path and journey in this life as you walk it with the Divine. GOD. JESUS. ANGELS. SPIRIT GUIDES. As NElise says, "The Heavenly community."

The Team. We are here for you.
Many people hide who they are because of fear! Well, Where is that getting you!? Are you happy? Are you fulfilled and satisfied being afraid of what people think?

If you say Yes, you are not telling the truth. To me or to yourself, lol.

Now, as God confirms, because We are high spiritual beings, We are all good, All loving. We have the UTMOST respect for people, nature, animals, community, family, LIFE! You must always have respect and kindness when speaking your truth.

I shall leave you with this... If ANYONE that is trying to tell you how to walk your path in life is NOT LIVING the life you wish to live or have (AND more than materially)... they are not QUALIFIED to give you advice. 

You must seek out those in your tribe. You must surround yourself with those who understand your path... not those who try and tear down your path due to their small capacity to expand beyond what they know with their own limited understanding. :) 

It is your GOD given right, to move above anyone who brings you down. Being AUTHENTIC means living the life you know deep in your SOUL is meant for you to live. Regardless of what Society says you should be living based on any background you come from. Or, even your current financial situation, or any other obstacles you face.

Be truthful in your communication. And Start with the communication you have with yourSELF. There is no need to try and convince anyone of a truth that you are not certain is YOUR truth because you have been influenced by so many OTHER truths that are not your own.

Take the time to be quiet, listen to that beautiful mind  of yours when it is not beating itself up for all the "screw ups, failures, mistakes, or missed opportunities" you have experienced. 

After all, it's apart of your growth to have and experience all of these things you have told yourself. It is simply not necessary or healthy to LIVE in it all the days of your life. 

LEARN THE LESSONS and move on. Hug yourself, hehe. LOVE yourself. Be Compassionate to yourself. AND KNOW...where your journey in this life begins and start walking. TRUTHFULLY. And without fear. 

When you take the first step. We, in the high realms, God, come together perfectly to bring you what you need to continue the journey. We never let you fall down for good. 

All falls are simply lessons to collect on your journey to the top... so that you may stand strong and teach all you have learned on your way up with compassion and love.

 Embrace them. And be true to YOU. And you will be unconditionally true and Love for others.

Tata for now, my dear sweet, fascinating Human Beings.

BE Love. BE Beautiful. 

Love NElise ...and Izzy, the Spiritual Love Guide.

Fresh Beginnings. Channeled By Izzy, My Spirit Guide

Hi Izzy, I feel your presence and light flittering about. Thank You for joining me as I begin a new adventure with the Daily Divine Love Channeler. I have to admit I am really bummed that I have to start over after so much hard work went into creating it the first time...

Hellllo My sweet, beautiful Human! I know, darling. I know how frightfully dreadful it can be to have to start over. But as We... WE as in God, the heavenly community as you call it... WE know what is best. And my dear, sweet girl, New Beginnings, A fresh start, is what makes the miraculous happen.
Count the first run you did, creating the DDLC, the Daily Divine Love Channeler, with US, US as in God and the heavenly community, for those of you who are unfamiliar with what I am speaking about when I say WE, or US...etc. Consider what you did with Us, my dear NElise as a test run.
Now all the kinks have been worked out. And we can get this show on the road!

UH HUM! For all of you who do not know me, My name is IZZY. I am a Spirit Guide. A fairy Spirit Guide I must have you know.
I am truly the LOVE Guide, for my dear human, NElise. I am here to guide her in all areas pertaining to the big L-O-V-E!  We are going into the world helping humans connect back to their essence, their God essence through the healing power of love. Love of Self, Love of God and Spirit, Love of the other human beings on the planet, Love in general. Every facet of Love, I cover, as I channel through NElise for You. My other beautiful Human beings.
She has another guide as well, however, I am the one you will hear from the most, as I am guiding her into the amazing life work she has come to do to help all of you! And you will hear her Channel GOD, Yes, the head honcho. The greatest, most Loving, all knowing, perfect, I AM.
As I said, I cover the sweet love stuff. 
So I am so glad to get acquainted with ALL of you who will come to see and hear my communication with my Shy, sweet, quiet but bold, NELISE. She and I are more alike than she is aware of, and YET she is starting to come into the knowing of this Divine Truth. She KNOWS but she does not KNOW. You will get to see her Blossom like the beautiful flower I live upon, hehe.
So count yourself as lucky to see her growth! You will be surprised at how my sweet butterfly shows up when I am not channeling through her, I am much more flamboyant. And she is much more reserved and quiet, but that will only be for a little longer. Possibly.
Well, I have chatted enough now. Go well, my sweet human beings. Take care of yourself. Take care of the beautiful Vessels God has given you. Love, Love, Love.

BE Love. BE Beautiful.
Love, NElise...and IZZY, the amaaaazing Spiritual Love Guide