Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Confessions Of NElise: Perfectionism! (All the lies!��) VIDEO

Confessions of NElise: Perfectionism! (all the lies!)

Below is the assignment God gave me to do to go to work on healing myself. All the things that keep me from moving forwards on the path of Unconditional Love and light. All the things that would keep me from having authentic, self expressed relationships. The things that would keep me from loving totally and completely and receiving that love in return.
I am COMMITTED to doing the work for myself. In doing so, I it will affect those I love in return.
I am committed in seeing all my fragile parts and making them stronger.

If you can't clearly read my work, this is how you do the assignment:
Whatever you struggle with, whatever hurts your feelings...

(EX: Mine says- Lies of my Perfectionism)

Then ALLOW yourself to see WHY you are a perfectionist...(or whatever your topic is)
(EX: My imperfection stems from the past... Not feeling good enough, being misunderstood, the desire to be liked, needing to look good to others, etc)

THEN, after you have written everything that comes up for you...

CENTER WHAT PERFECTIONISM (or your topic) LEADS you to or has led you to.
(EX; perfectionism leads to: fake relationships, comparing myself to others, procrastination, trust issues with myself and other, suppression of self, lack of self expression, unrealistic expectations of myself and others...etc)

On a new piece of paper
Then start expressing WHO YOU REALLY ARE,  YOUR TRUTH...the"imperfections" that make you who you are...(that you really need to love about you)

(EX: The truth about me... I'm goofy, I love hard, I'm smart, I have ADD, I'm a paradox, I'm dramatic and entertaining, I learn differently, I'm odd and out of the box, I'm a giver, and so on...)

THEN START LOVING YOU! From where you Are...and you'll soon be where you want to be.

Monday, August 15, 2016

6 months...

I had a prayer only God and I knew
When you'd come along I'd recognize you

I don't give myself away easily
Skeptical I knew i'd be
so I prayed to God that I wouldn't miss you
so he gave me a sign so I'd know the truth
6 months, God whispered, and you will know
your soul will feel what only you and I know.
Trust yourself
You've prayed this before.
Never have you missed him
Stay open once more

It was at 6 months that I knew-
I remembered my prayer
and I recognized you:

" May our 6 months turn to 6 years
that turn to 16 years
that turn to 60...
and when our time runs out
may our love in this life
exist into eternity
and return again in each life after
where we find each other and know
that our 6 months turned into forever
and repeats itself throughout history"

This was my prayer only God and I knew
and at 6 months I knew...
I'd made this prayer to recognize you
So our love could exists in every life
 forever through and through

6 months...

I had a prayer only God and I knew
When you'd come along I'd recognize you

I don't give myself away easily
Skeptical I knew i'd be
so I prayed to God that I wouldn't miss you
so he gave me a sign so I'd know the truth
6 months, God whispered, and you will know
your soul will feel what only you and I know.
Trust yourself
You've prayed this before.
Never have you missed him
Stay open once more

It was at 6 months that I knew-
I remembered my prayer
and I recognized you:

" May our 6 months turn to 6 years
that turn to 16 years
that turn to 60...
and when our time runs out
may our love in this life
exist into eternity
and return again in each life after
where we find each other and know
that our 6 months turned into forever
and repeats itself throughout history"

This was my prayer only God and I knew
and at 6 months I knew...
I'd made this prayer to recognize you
So our love could exists in every life
 forever through and through